Sunday, March 29, 2015

With our House, It's a Wrap!

This is a short post to allow those who like to see what we have done for the weekend.  Greg has stepped back for a bit enjoying some time off which included visiting his "snowbird" parents in Sebring, FL for a long weekend and then participating in the charity event Walk for Water which took place just a few blocks away at Brittlebank Park.
Walk for Water "No Running"  

As I reminder, I have included a picture of where we began the weekend.  Greg and our two sons got the addition in the dry with black paper on the roof.  Greg had much to do this weekend to complete the bracing and close in the top portion of the structure.  With the rain coming by Tuesday, getting the exterior walls protected from water was our first priority.  The high humidity had already caused a few bows outside walls.  While the time off did us both good, there is no time to loose to get things covered.

As we ended our last weekend of work, this is the structure we began with this week.
 Greg wrapped the building.  This reminded me of doing the background cover on a very large bulletin board!  There is a method to getting it covered.  The joints are even taped with a special tape.  There are several windows to be cut in on the street side and near the piazza, but until the windows are purchased, Greg is leaving them closed for security purposes.

 The next several weeks we anticipate much work on the outside of the structure.  Details such as jacking up the porch, working on the trim, boxing, preparing for the roof and siding are priority.  Our electrical service needs to be upgraded and removed from the piazza and placed on the back corner. This has really become a way of life over the past months!  Each weekend brings us a little closer to a completed cottage!

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